Helen Cox
South Africa - UCT
Site Co-PI

Helen Cox is an epidemiologist and public health researcher with extensive experience in the epidemiology of tuberculosis (TB) and specifically in drug-resistant TB. Helen has been based in Cape Town since 2008. Research interests over this time have ranged from the molecular epidemiology of drug-resistant TB, through assessing the impact of new diagnostics for TB to appropriate models of care for drug-resistant TB treatment. Further research interests include: the use of new and repurposed drugs in novel treatment regimens for drug-resistant TB, cost analysis of different approaches for drug-resistant TB treatment and the application of a human rights approach to improving the effectiveness of, and access to treatment. A key aim of Helen’s research is direct translation of research findings into policy.

Current projects include:

  • The molecular epidemiology of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Khayelitsha, South Africa.
  • Evaluation of novel diagnostics for TB and TB drug susceptibility testing.
  • Implementation of contact management for individuals exposed to TB and drug-resistant TB in Khayelitsha.
  • The impact of HIV on the risk of acquisition of TB drug resistance during first-line TB treatment.
  • Investigating pathways through care for individuals with TB in the Western Cape, South Africa.


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Research Publications