Dr. Adeodata Kekitiinwa is the Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine and Executive Director for Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation-Uganda (Baylor-Uganda) since 2004. She leads a team of 319 personnel that offer both comprehensive HIV/AIDS/TB care and research activities at the Baylor Uganda Clinical Centre of Excellence (COE) and serves as the Clinical Research Site Leader for the NIAID/DAIDS studies at our site. Dr. Kekitiinwa initiated the first-ever Pediatric and Adolescent HIV/TB unit within MOH to expand access to Pediatric and Adolescent HIV/AIDS/TB care and match adult HIV care and treatment; continue to provide strategic leadership to this unit to ensure all policies include children and adolescents agenda; she has served as local Principal Investigator on ARROW and CHAPAS Studies at Baylor-Uganda. ARROW is the largest pediatric ARV trial to date that has contributed to several policy changes internationally. She will work with Dr. Joloba on the Pediatric TB case identification and referral and take the lead role in protocol development, initiating and conducting these diagnostics for children with suspect TB at the Makerere site.
Adeodata R Kekitiinwa
Uganda - Baylor