The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), located in Charleston, South Carolina serves as the Clinical Support Core for the FEND-TB program, with Dr. Susan Dorman as lead investigator, and Co-PI of the FEND-TB Consortium. Dr. Dorman is an infectious diseases-trained physician scientist with expertise and experience in conducting laboratory and clinical assessments of new TB diagnostic tests. Dr. Dorman served for six years as Director of Clinical Studies for the TB-Clinical Diagnostics Research Consortium. She has experience managing large multicenter research endeavors and federally funded research contracts. Along with Dr. Dorman, April Borkan, MA serves as Project Manager of the FEND-TB protocols, Samuel Kennedy, MPH serves as the Research Specialist for the FEND Adult protocol.
The Clinical Support Core provides a comprehensive support team for the coordination of functions at individual enrollment sites to facilitate multiple study procedures related to recruitment, enrollment, data & biological samples collection and laboratory testing.
South Africa
Susan Dorman
April L Borkman
Program Manager
Christie Eichberg
Program Manager