Frontier Science

Frontier Science Foundation (FSF) is a non-profit organization whose stated mission is to collaborate with investigators and sponsors to conduct scientifically meaningful clinical trials while advancing the application of statistical science and data management techniques in science, health care and education. Since its founding and incorporation in 1975, Frontier Science has provided high-quality, cost-effective data management and biostatistical services to research networks, pharmaceutical companies and investigators. The organization collaborates with investigators, clinical sites, academic institutions, laboratory centers and technicians in more than 1,200 establishments around the world. FSF is an established and reputable provider of services focused on clinical trials and observational studies. Frontier Science’s primary services include data management and scientific, and biostatistical expertise, as well as software development and maintenance for the collection, processing, derivation and analysis of data. The organization has developed and managed software and supported data management projects for studies funded by NIH, pharmaceutical companies and other private organizations, both commercial and nonprofit.
Since its inception, Frontier Science has provided the core data management for more than a dozen multi-site, multi-trial networks including the ACTG; the Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group (PACTG) and its successor, IMPAACT, the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG), the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG), the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS), the Cancer Prevention Clinical Trials Network (CP-CTNet) and the Collaborating Consortium of Cohorts Producing NIDA Opportunities (C3PNO). Of note, the goal of the C3PNO project is to bring nine distinct HIV cohorts together to centralize, standardize and harmonize data, coordinate research efforts, and stimulate new research by facilitating data sharing through an interactive virtual data repository platform.
The FEND-TB team includes statisticians from Frontier Science and epidemiologists with complementary expertise. Dr. Soyeon Kim has extensive experience working in clinical trials and observational studies, with specific expertise in TB research, including pediatric TB. She has collaborated with Drs. Alland and Ellner for 14 years. The Economic Analysis and Transmission Modeling Core have a complementary analytic plan. These scientists have experience working in collaborative team environments and together bring the unique skills required to accomplish FEND-TB work. Dr. Kim will be responsible for designing the evaluation of studies using classical methods and will coordinate activities with the Economic Analysis and Transmission Modeling Core.
centralize, standardize and harmonize data
coordinate research efforts, and stimulate new research
interactive virtual data repository platform
Soyeon Kim
PI, Biostatistician
Rebecca Post
Shawn Ward
Yasha Rani