Strive for a Healthier World

Thousands of lung health experts, including researchers, scientists, health professionals, doctors, civil society, affected communities, government officials, nurses and students from around the world will attend #UnionConf2024, and we hope you will be one of them. We...

Advancing the TB Diagnostics Pipeline

Advancing the TB Diagnostics Pipeline – Results from Three Large NIH-funded Research Consortia. Code Session: SP47, Session Time: 13:15-14:45. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of diagnostics in an unprecedented way. Large investments led to...

Towards a TB-Free World

2023 Union World Conference on Lung Health – New Tools Summit 14 November 2023 – Paris Marriott Champs Elysees Hotel, France. Join the Stop TB Partnership New Tools Working Group and Product Development Partnerships for a day dedicated to TB research ahead of the 2023...

Lancet Commission on TB

In the lead-up to the United Nations High-Level Meeting on TB (UNHLM), the Lancet Commission on Tuberculosis has just published a follow-up report to the 2018 Lancet Commission. The Lancet Commission on TB describes how the COVID-19 pandemic has led to stalled...
Nguyen Van Hung

Nguyen Van Hung

Dr. Nguyen Van Hung has been working as a bacteriologist in the field of TB and pulmonology infection diseases for the last 33 years. Currently, He has been appointed as Head of Department of Microbiology and National TB Reference Lab, Vietnam National TB Control...